Presenting the source of our everyday presence



Some of the most memorable relationships are confusing, unpredictable, & feral;
all the more exciting!

Note: Only one animal was hurt during the making of this film: me.

fresh fashion

lavender, a natural calming remedy


multidimensional matrices

things are getting weird around here.

online synchronicities?
internet identities?
ethereal entities
communicating via
computer pixels & screen flickering?

my laptop hit the table hard, & i said "ow!"
this is getting weird.
i'm on line.
i'm still on point.

a new view

been in the clouds,
but i'm comin back down.
i'm earth bound.

but it's hard to stay grounded when this ain't solid ground.


Happy Birthday Time, Camellia!!

Sometimes the Source manifests its most potent, powerful energy in petite forms & delicate beauty.

My flower of an older sister is my proof.

Happy [re]Birthday Time, Camellia [everyone]..
Cheers to fresh beginnings, transformations, smooth transitions, blossoming, expansion, sacred spring solitude, & sunlight!!